The Funemployed: Meredith Forte

DCF: Who Are You?
Meredith Forte
Frame Avenue Design
Picture Framer, Design Consultant, Artist, Creative, Photographer, Lady Boss, Rockstar Mom, MacGyver of anything crafty. DC born and raised.


Photo by Yellow Whale Portraits

DCF: Why do you love what you do? What makes you funemployment?
MF: I love to create. Artwork has a way of telling stories… where you’ve traveled, your favorite things, special moments in time. (DCF: So true and so special!) I see walls as blank canvases and I love to make those stories come alive through art and framing.

DCF:  Who was your first mentor and how did you find them?
MF: I don’t think I had one mentor in particular, but I have a squad of super women (and they know who they are) that I surround myself with who inspire & motivate me to always peruse my passion. I know they always have my back and I have theirs. I rely on their advice and insights whether good or bad.

Dominique Fierro-5

Dominique Fierro, IG: @Dominique_fierro

DCF: What’s your happy place?
MF: My happy place in in my framing studio, or on a client’s floor sifting through their artwork, creating amazing wall spaces.

DCF: Where do you get your energy?
MF: My two daughters. They always keep me on my toes and inspire me to keep going.


DCF: What does balance mean to you and how do find it?
MF: I find my balance through daily workouts and designing beautiful spaces. I love that my job allows me the flexibility to do the things I love while still being able to pick up my kids from school and spend special time with them. (DCF: I love that balance means something different to each of us.)

DCF: What sacrifices did you have to make to get here?
MF: I sacrifice getting a regular paycheck. As a single mom supporting two kids money is always going to be an issue. But as my business grows, it becomes easier to pay my bills and live a life that I love. I have a roof over my head, shoes on my feet, food in our bellies, and for that I am grateful. (DCF: Gratitude is also so important for balance!)


Photo by Yellow Whale Portraits

DCF: What struggles have you faced as a women in your industry?
MF: As a not only a woman, but a blonde woman I face a lot of struggles of being taken seriously. But I have learned to always be confident, assertive and never apologize.

DCF: What is the early advice you didn’t listen to that you wish you had?
MF: Throughout the years, I have listened to a lot of advice, however I always trusted my gut and went with my instincts. You can’t go wrong when you stay true to who you are. Set goals and do whatever it takes to achieve them.


DCF: What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from it?
MF: My marriage. It taught me the true meaning of strength. I want my two daughters to see their mom as a strong independent woman so that when they grow up they will know that anything is possible with a lot of courage and hard work. My older daughter dreams to be president of the United States one day…end of story 🙂

DCF:  What was your proudest moment to date?
MF: My proudest moment was when I decided to move from a brick and mortar store to a studio space in my house. It was a HUGE risk, but one worth taking. I struggled for a while not having physical exposure, but it also allowed me to make personal connections with my clients and artists. I go to their homes, meet their families, see their style and create beautiful spaces that I would not otherwise be able to do being stuck in a store all day. (DCF: So important to build the business that works for you!)


DCF: What are you Currently Conquering?
MF: Oh my! I am working on so many cool things right now, I don’t even know where to begin! On one of my latest projects, I had the opportunity to curate, design and frame all the artwork for a client’s condo. She trusted my keen sense of design and I must say, the condo looks ahhmazing! I also work with some of DCs great artists and have some super fun art shows coming up in the pipeline.


DCF: Let’s Get Social (Media)!!

Here’s where you can find me…

IG @framemastermer


About Morgan of DCFunemployment

Welcome to DCFunemployment. My name is Morgan and I am a native Washingtonian and socialite, aka a person who is known in society and is fond of social activities and entertainment. I am a storyteller, connector, yogi, artist, stylist, teacher and cheerleader. I believe that we can all win, be great and make the world better. Morgan is a strategist whose work sits at the intersection of people, experiences, storytelling, events, brands and business to help people develop their dreams and turn them into reality! I practice collaboration over competition because there is room for everyone to succeed. Follow me here or on social media to see some of the best that DC has to offer.
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