Have You Met – Christina L. Glancy

So, start at the very beginning – Who Are You?

I go by Chrissy Lynn. I am a personal enterprise advisor and healthy connector. I help first generation professionals establish healthy communication and boundaries on their journey to success.

What makes you dope?

My personality. It speaks for me before I open my mouth.

Who was your first inspiration and how did you first learn about them?

My first inspiration was Marilyn Monroe (hold the controversy). I loved her ability to dominate using her femininity and poise.

What’s your happy place? Your favorite thing to do to bring yourself joy?

My happy place is when I travel or experience new things. New experiences show me more of myself and that makes me happy. If I can’t travel, it’s spending time with my family. They are fools and full of endless shenanigans.

Where do you get your energy and motivation?

It depends on what drains me or where I wasn’t upholding my boundaries or promises to myself. I need different types of recharges. I’m motivated to keep going because my family is watching and I continue to do what I do every day because of the promises I made to myself and God.

What does balance mean to you and how do find it?

Balance means discipline. Often, it looks like the things I don’t necessarily want to do but that I know will get me to where I want to be. So, it’s in routine, the word “no,” the daily gallon of water…things like that.

What sacrifices did you have to make, or struggles did you face to get here?

I sacrificed a lot of personal stuff to succeed professionally. I’m a first generation professional and the journey to middle class has been full of trials. Between college and adulting, I gave up 13 years to make it too corporate. In college, I used my time to pay for college and missed out on relationships. In my career, I’ve sacrificed 7 years away from my family to build my professional dreams. All the focus on my career has taken my time and focus away from building a family of my own.

What is the early advice you didn’t listen to that you wish you had? Or what advice would you give your earlier self?

I would tell my younger self to slow down and enjoy the moment. I had a bad habit of trading my current moments for this future version I had in my head. I missed so many moments I can’t get back not being present.

What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from it?

I fail all the time to be honest. The one that felt the biggest was when I moved in with a “friend” and she turned out to be a scammer. The roommate version of the tinder swindler. She stopped coming home and paying rent for months. I deactivated her key. In the state of VA if you do that without written notice that’s considered stealing. A guy she was scamming at the time ended up paying all of her back rent so we could get out of the lease. Shout out to that man. It was a lesson learned to do more due diligence in my getting to know people phase.

What was your proudest moment to date?

I’m the first person in my family to live a life of freedom. I come from the working class. It’s a big deal for me and my bloodline. I am a digital nomad. I get to travel when and where I want to, and I am working my way into the entrepreneur world to keep turning up the notches to freedom.

ACTION: How Can We Help You Today?!?!

Two things. 1) If you know a good trademark lawyer, send the deeds. 2) Sign up for my email list. I send tips, resources, and advice out once a month to help first generation professionals on their journey from blue collar to freedom.

Bonus Brag – What are you currently conquering? Is there something exciting in the works? Next steps?

I’m about to start a live series called Checking in with Chrissy Lynn to get a temperature on the hearts and minds of my tribe. I want to put more caring and loving vibes out into the black community. Would love to have you be a guest.

What’s Your social media!!

Website – christinalglancy.com

IG: @chrissylynntoyou


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